Reliable Annual Reports in Unreliable Times

An insightful presentation by Raja Senanayake,
Chief Officer, Smart Academy

Communicating effectively with stakeholders about the value an organisation created, and is capable of creating well into the future, has always been the gold standard for annual reports. Yet, 2020 was a year like no other, both globally and in Sri Lanka. In the aftermath, how should “Annual Report 2020” address stakeholder expectations and concerns?

Date: Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Venue: BMICH - Jasmine Room
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

Registration for "Annual Report 2020" has been closed as we have reached the maximum number of registrations for the event. Thank you for your interest.

What topics will be covered?

The current challenges for corporates, both locally and internationally, are real and unprecedented. Stakeholders' needs too are being shaped by the related socio-economic upheavals – making the case for organisations to communicate effectively, stronger than ever before. This Presentation will cover a range of issues that annual report preparers will need to give due thought to when putting together their annual report 2020.

The challenges of preparing Annual Report 2020 in the context of;

  • The organisation's symbiotic relationship with stakeholders
  • The need to demonstrate vitality and resilience
  • Articulating the response to the challenges posed by the pandemic
  • Demonstrating the prospects of returning to viability
  • Demonstrating the robustness of the business model
  • Describing the true value of the business

Raja Senanayake is a Chartered Accountant and the Chief Officer Smart Academy at Smart Media The Annual Report Company.

Smart Media The Annual Report Company has a business model that focuses on three strategic pillars – Smart Labs (research and development), Smart Academy (capacity building of report preparers) and Smart Works (the core business). With a track record spanning over 25 years, Smart Media is the acknowledged leader for annual reports in Asia and the Middle East, and with business now in Europe.

The Smart Academy focuses on building capacity in individuals as much as corporates. It does so through a combination of workshops and on-the-job teaching, with experienced and skilled experts at the helm of its curricula. Smart Media is accredited by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) as an <IR> Training Foundation Partner.